Video Game SotW #004 – Final Fantasy X – “Attack”

8 09 2009
One of the many places where this music plays

One of the many places where this music plays

For those who got the hint from last week’s entry, well done (although I guess the boldened first characters made it obvious, and the actual words made no sense whatsover), but that’s all irrelevant now, isn’t it? Because the next song is here, and it’s a song you’ll absolutely adore (like me) or hate.

Final Fantasy X – “Attack”

Composer: Masashi Hamauzu

Quite an epic piece, with simple melodies fighting through the backing instruments as though there is conflict between them, in a good way, so it feels quite suiting to where and when the music plays in the game, as well as its title. But anyone could have told you that. 😛

For you readers who are absolutely dying for a hint to the next song… Raving Rhinoceros. 😀