Fail of Teh Week Cancellation

7 10 2009

Sadly, the recently-established Fail of Teh Week feature has come to a close. As humorous as they may have been, it has become a great consumer of my time and doesn’t really do anything new or exciting that is worth posting. However, I do encourage you all to check out FailBlog whenever you feel like a good laugh. I might try to start reviewing some vidga gaems soon in it’s stead, though.

Also, I apologise for the lack of updates this last week. I’ll do a double update of the Video Game SotW soon. 😀

Blog Go!!

17 08 2009

Here it is, my first blog post. Here I’ll share some weekly features, thoughts of the moment, and other random tidbits of irrelevence. Expect the first ‘Video Game Song of the Week’ post at midnight UTC +10! 😉