Video Game SotW #005 – Rad Racer – “Music A”

15 09 2009

Dum Dum Dum- Dum Dum Dum- Dum Dum Dum- Dum Dum Dum- Duuuuuuum.... dfbjneigbjeionjdoenboen!

Dum Dum Dum- Dum Dum Dum- Dum Dum Dum- Dum Dum Dum- Duuuuuuum.... dfbjneigbjeionjdoenboen!

I know, nothing to do with Raving Rhinoceros. I’ll rethink my hinting strategies for next time.

Rad Racer has a soundtrack that at time of release was rather forgettable, which is hard to believe seeing as four months later, composer Nobuo Uematsu created the epic music for the original Final Fantasy. Nevertheless, if there was one song that needs attention, it’s Music A, which is a simple yet catchy tune. Take a listen!

In Action

Audio File

Rad Racer – “Music A”

Piano Arrangement


Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Fun Facts:

  • This song is also used as Stinkoman’s Theme in the HomestarRunner Universe.
  • The Rad Racer soundtrack was to mark Uematsu’s 15th video game soundtrack.

Hint for Next Time:

The Musical Swordsman.



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