Video Game SotW #002 – Super Mario Galaxy – “Battle for the Grand Star”

25 08 2009

Aha! This feature actually managed to get to the second post! Huzzah! This time, we’ll be seeing a more recent song from a more recent game, and is quite epic in its own right. I know what you’re thinking, “Why describe the song so epically when I’ve already read the title?” Well… the feature would be a little too short if there wasn’t any waffle. Speaking of which… *eats several waffles*

Here we go, Battle for the Grand Star!

Super Mario Galaxy – “Battle for the Grand Star”

Composer: Mahito Yokota

Sorry I couldn’t get a direct link. But seriously, wasn’t that great? No? Not good enough for you? Then have a piano arrangement! MUS MID

Keep an eye out for next week’s update!

Video Game SotW #001 – Bomberman Tournament – “Overworld”

18 08 2009

Welcome to the first post of ‘Video Game Song of the Week’! Every Tuesday I’ll post a delicious little tune from a video game, some of which are quite obscure. Why am I doing this? Well… I’m not quite sure. Anywho, here’s the first song in this weekly feature…

Bomberman Tournament – “Overworld”

Composer: Jun Chikuma
A happy little tune that plays while you’re in the Overworld, and is quite memorable if you’ve played the game. For those interested, there’s also a piano arrangement of the piece: MUS | MID | PDF

Be sure to catch later entries in the Video Game SotW!

Blog Go!!

17 08 2009

Here it is, my first blog post. Here I’ll share some weekly features, thoughts of the moment, and other random tidbits of irrelevence. Expect the first ‘Video Game Song of the Week’ post at midnight UTC +10! 😉